Jämtbygget is located on the property of Count von Stackelberg to Stensnäs, in Ukna in Sweden. The place ,,Jämtebygget“ was first mentioned on a map from the 18th century.


1740 (approx.):

A man from Jämtland, the "Jämt", came to Stensnäs and built a house on the old foundation. His name was Olof Jonsson. He lived here with his family until his death in 1760, when he died in Jämtbygget. 


The subsequent buildings and the hut were built later. The farmer's house (now the old barn) is made of solid wood and still stands strong today. The small property now serves as an artist place. During renovations, we found a newspaper from 1923. 


In the 1960s, the shoemaker Axel Bergkvist lived in the forest house with his wife and six children. The small garden shed served as a workspace for repairing shoes. There is a spring on the property that provides drinking water for the house. It also serves as a watering place for wild animals. At the bottom of the hill, you can still see the outlines of an old foundation. A small hut stands between this old foundation and the forest house, the main house.


Jämtbygget is located with a fantastic view of the river and the valley and has sunlight all day until sunset over the woodlands behind Storsjö. Now, Jämtbygget is an artist's place. The artist Michel Ohagen has lived and worked here since 2020.

farmers house

Jämtbygget Nature Art House and Atelier, Ukna Edsbruk, Sweden

The farmers house (old barn) is going to be a nature art gallery. Visitors can look through a window, to see the artworks.

IN the woodlands

The place Jämtbygget is surrounded by magical nature, forrests and lakes. Even the sea is not far away. Close to the Forest House there is a small river, which then flows into the Storsjö lake. 


Jämtbygget Nature Art House and Atelier, Ukna Edsbruk, Sweden

 The forest house serves as a living space, with living room and kitchen. There is an old open fireplace in the living room 

the old shoe factory

Jämtbygget Nature Art House and Atelier, Ukna Edsbruk, Sweden

 The old shoe factory is located in the small garden shed. This house also has an open fireplace. There is a bedroom upstairs.

Alle Rechte für Script, Drehbuch und alle Inhalte auf dieser Webseite bei Michel Ohagen. Das Skript und das Drehbuch sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. https://www.priormart.com/